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Training Overview and Setup

This video explains how to assign training tracks to team members.

Training Section Overview

  1. The training section serves as a powerful tool after establishing systems and policies.

  2. It aims to streamline the onboarding process by assigning relevant policies and systems to new team members based on their roles.

The training section serves as a powerful tool after establishing systems and policies.

It aims to streamline the onboarding process by assigning relevant policies and systems to new team members based on their roles.

Assigning Training Tracks

  1. Create dedicated sections for new team members and specific roles within the training area.

  2. Customize training tracks for each role, ensuring relevant policies and systems are covered.

Create dedicated sections for new team members and specific roles within the training area.

Customize training tracks for each role, ensuring relevant policies and systems are covered.

Role-Specific Training

  1. Structure training based on roles rather than individual team members.

  2. Recognize that distinct roles have varying information needs; provide role-relevant training content.